Childhood Abuse Survivor

I have hit some magical age where my childhood abuse has caught up with me.... but I will not let it win, and will fight and know that God will see me through just as He always has.... my goal in this blog is to share with others and to vent as well about the experiences of childhood abuse, not just the physical abuse, but the emotional as well. The old saying about sticks and stones break bones but words can never hurt.... they couldn't be farther from the truth!!

I have two wonderful daughters and am blessed that God chose me to "break the cycle" and above all, they know that I love them with all my heart and they are great girls!!! Right now though, I just need to make some peace with my past.... (and if you met my mother, you'd understand... hahaha). I know that know matter where I am at in my journey though, that God is ALWAYS with me!!

Sunday, December 28, 2014

A little about me

I go to write about trivial things, but my mind wanders and I know that I must face the demons inside of me. Under the surface, like fish in the sea that you can't see cuz the waters are too dark and murky. But then the sun comes and shines into the darkness and you can no longer escape the waves of tragedy and they swell and hit you full force when you least expect it.
I come from a very abusive home with a single mother who was literally incapable of taking care of herself, let alone a child. Sometimes I'm still angry, sometimes I feel sorry for her, and sometimes I feel sorry for me. For the child that was, to the woman that is. Her impact remains. I can honestly say I've broken free from the stronghold she once had over me, but her legacy left it's imprint. 
I have a birth father I don't really know. I feel like if he wanted to make an effort after nearly 40 years he would be in my life. But he's busy with his and his wife and his "real" children. I have a half brother and sister out there and they too say no to being in my life. Sad. It makes me sad. I wish things were different, but is is where the rubber tweets the road and you accept that "it is what is is". 
I accepted Christ when I was young and I truely believe he was my first love and even thought I've strayed, he is there to hold me, make me a better person, and will never let me go! He has changed my heart and I've done differently than my parents. Even different than my ex husband. He isn't really there, once in a while, but that too is for the girls to see on their own. I will not have them not have a relationship or hate their father because of my prejudices. 
It's been a long hard road and not done yet, one step at a time..... One foot in front of the other, and the cycle is broken one moment at a time. I have a long way to go, but I've come a long way too. Lots of wobbly steps but the saviour held my path and made sure I kept on the path he chose and keeps me on it and helps me to be different and break the cycle. 

Wednesday, December 10, 2014

past hurts

She looks off
lost deep in thought
her eyes dark with old pains
her past hurts
spreads into the now
worries about the future
try to live in the now
but so broken and damaged
going forward
one foot in front of the other
burdened down but trudging forward
away from past
away from her very self she runs.....

Friday, December 5, 2014


Sitting here in the quiet giving me a moment to reflect. I can honestly say that I did different.that my children will never have to go through what I did. And for that I am blessed. Thank you Lord for changing my heart.

Saturday, November 29, 2014

Christmas tree

So I hate Christmas trees and why?!  I'm a kid, my mom tells me when can do a real tree. Yay! so me and my grandma get one, set it up, decorations and all.  apparently, it was not to her liking.  She threw it away- the whole thing.  I got it and dragged it down two doors to my grandma's in tears.  family drama ensued and eventually the tree went back up only if my mom decorated it.  At that point it really didn't matter.....

Thursday, November 27, 2014

Thanksgiving ptsd moment

I sat down at the dinner table and the memories of long ago floods black.  I was probably 14,give or take a year ish and my mom didn't want cook out do anything. I did of course like a Normal American kid- so she finally took me to this old hotel diner and we had the worst last of the food. She was a Bitch about it the entire time.  On the way home- it was about 2 miles out of town- there was some car issue-if I remember correctly a tire.  Of course it was my fault. I don't believe that-that's what she said and what she made me feel.  It was awful.... and that's just one pleasant holiday memory.  And so I did some self soothing, even stepped away and cried some of it out away from people.  Holidays are very hard for some people- worse more so for some and the simple act of pulling up to the table can bring your memories bubbling out while we try and hide it. But we also fight it and are not victims of the past- but survivors in the present.  Please show compassion, especially during the holiday season, you never know what a person is going through.  Built some new memories and hope they continue.  Happy Thanksgiving to all who have not always had the happiest of Thanksgivings.  ♥

Tuesday, November 25, 2014

learning every day......

 Today is another day on the path to healing. Every day is really. I see a little more, forgive a little more, live a little more. I deserve to be happy, I deserve to be loved, I deserve good things. Growing up in a dysfunctional home, a lot of times we put other people's need in front of our own. learning to love again.....

Sunday, October 26, 2014

Do you.... ?

Do you know I have your dimples dad?
Do you know I have your your eyes mom?
Do you think of me as much as I do you?
Do you wonder how I'm doing?
Do you wonder who I've become?
Do you regret?
Do you wish things were different?
Do you care now?
Do you ponder change?
Do you have it in you?
Do you?

Saturday, September 6, 2014

Dealing with my mom being in hospital

My mom is in the hospital and died for a moment and they brought her back! Idk what or how to feel cuz it's so much to take in.